News from the Indiana Geological and Water Survey
Special announcement: Core library closure

Core library closing next week

Public access to the IGWS core and chipset library will close Friday, Sept. 30, so that staff and contractors can prepare to move the collections to a temporary storage facility north of Bloomington.

The extensive library—dating back to 1948 and including more than 50 miles of bedrock core samples alone—needs to be moved out of its current home at the Cardinal Metal Finishing warehouse (a.k.a. Otis) by the end of November because of an expiring lease.

While the move is happening and while the collections are in storage, physical core samples and chipsets will not be available for public inspection. However, some data from those cores are accessible through digital means; contact Archivist and Collections Manager Jenna Lanman for guidance and assistance. IGWS researchers have arranged for core samples they need for current projects such as STATEMAP and carbon sequestration studies to be stored in other areas where they can work with them.

When the core and chipset library will reopen to the public has yet to be determined. A location and funding to develop a long-term facility have not been finalized.